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Who is this cometh from Edom, with dyed garments from Bozrah? this that is glorious in his apparel, travelling in the greatness of his strength? I that speak in righteousness, mighty to save. Isaiah 63:1.HP 17.1 The only-begotten Son of God came to this world to redeem the fallen race. He has given us […]
Good morning!! Blessings always to you, your families and communities 😊 God is able to keep you in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on Him. Rest in God’s blessed assurance today. He alone is our almighty God. He is able to make all things new in His time. God is and therefore we […]
Good morning everyone Blessings to you, your families and communities 😊 Keep praying about it. ‘You do not have because you do not ask God.’ James 4:2 NIV Many of our failures result from our failure to pray. As we examine our mistakes, we discover a forsaken prayer altar and an unopened Bible. James bottom-lines […]
Good morning!! Blessings to you, your families and communities 😊 God is love. All that we are and ever will be is found in Him. Will you receive this love today? Will you allow his love to envelop you, sustain you and be your bulwark ( your defence/ shield) in all of your life’s paths? […]
‘Think on these things…and the God of peace shall be with you.’ Philippians 4:8-9 KJV One author writes: ‘Columbia researcher Sheena Iyengar has found that the average person makes about seventy conscious decisions every day. That’s 25,550 decisions a year. Over seventy years, that’s 1,788,500 decisions. Albert Camus said, “Life is a sum of […]
Good morning Blessings be upon you, your families and communities. As a man thinketh in his heart so is he. What does the above bible text suggest to you about who you are in Jesus Christ? You have been bought with a price. You are precious in God’s eyes. You are intrinsically of worth and […]
Blessings 😊 Trust that all things are working for our good. In order to understand the above statement, we need to see with spiritual eyes. Spiritual things are spiritual discerned. Allow the Holy Spirit to reside within. Healing, joy and peace will then be your portion. When we have spiritual eyes, we walk by faith […]
Hi everyone Blessings for the new working week. God is …therefore we are. We exist because he first loved us. As you Rest in this truth, you will experience peace that passeth all understanding. We breathe because the breath of God made us living souls. Whatever the dilemmas or challenges that we face let us […]
Title: My Grace Is Sufficient How is God’s strength made perfect in weakness (2 Corinthians 12:9)? ANSWER Many of the principles of God’s kingdom are paradoxes. When the apostle Paul pleaded with God to remove his affliction – one he called a “thorn in the flesh”—the Lord said to Paul, “My grace is sufficient for […]
Good morning Blessings for the new working week. We serve a God who is always in control. Remember we walk by faith and NOT by sight. What we see in the physical realm is limited but we know that God fights in the spiritual realm on our behalf. We know we wrestle not against flesh […]
God is sovereign,” a youth pastor told some children. “That means He controls everything that happens.” Puzzled by this, one child asked, “So God was in control when my dog died? Why would God kill my dog?” “That’s a tough one,” the youth pastor replied. “But sometimes God lets us go through hard times so […]
Good morning!! Blessings for the new working week. Our God is an awesome God! We were created to give worship, honour and praise to his holy righteousness name. Our relationship with God must supersede everything else in our lives. God is love. There is no shadow of turning with Him. Unlike us, God is the […]