Monday 26 August 2024 -God Is

Hi everyone

Blessings for the new working week.

God is …therefore we are. We exist because he first loved us. As you Rest in this truth, you will experience peace that passeth all understanding.

We breathe because the breath of God made us living souls.

Whatever the dilemmas or challenges that we face let us understand the biblical statement- Is there anything too hard for the lord?

The above question is for us to respond to. Our lives daily reveal what we believe to be true.

When we hurt our Heavenly Father sees, feels and knows how our circumstances can limit our ability to see his face.

Circumstances may change but God does not!

When our eyes are spiritually open, we move not by feeling but by the word of God. It is what we know be true about God that should inform our thoughts and actions.

The greatest fact is
God is love.

All that he allows can work for good if we would but focus on what he has already done in us and through us.

If he has kept us in the past, he can do this in our future.

Let us place all our cares before him and leave them there. God is more than able to meet us at our point of need.

We are surrounded by a great cloud of witnesses.

We need to understand and apply the lessons of our forefathers. Through their stories we see God’s hand of love and mercy.

In our lives his love is reflected. In Him only do we move, live and have our being.

However we at times allow fear to limit us, to transfix us which stunts the greatness that God wishes to reflect in us.

The abundant life is yours through the daily renewing of your mind.

Why do we allow darkness to be our dwelling place?

Turn towards the only true source of love and light. By doing so you will live a life beyond mediocrity.

My prayer for you is that you be not conformed to this world but that you be transformed by the renewing of your mind.


Be encouraged