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Welling Seventh Day Adventist Church

Walk By Faith And Not By Sight

Blessings 😊

Trust that all things are working for our good.

In order to understand the above statement, we need to see with spiritual eyes. Spiritual things are spiritual discerned. Allow the Holy Spirit to reside within. Healing, joy and peace will then be your portion. When we have spiritual eyes, we walk by faith and not by sight.

We understand that greater is he that is within me than he that is in the world. We know that we are more than Conquerors through Christ Jesus. We see that our problems are our stepping stones on our life’s path to the kingdom. We understand God has the whole world in His hand. What he allows in our experience if we truly believe in Him can and will work for our good.

As believers we need to be perspective takers. This life we live needs to be seen through the lens of God’s love, his glory, honour and his vindication. The world says there is no God. Also others blame God for all that is wrong in the world. But as believers we understand the controversy- the battle between good and evil that exists. We know in the end because Christ has overcome we also can .

Our meaning and purpose is to live a life of worship to God who is the author and finisher of our faith. When these sentiments penetrate the heart, we then will understand that anything that comes our way, God will give us the strength, the grace and the peace to walk through it. Christ said with man it is impossible but with God all things are possible. 🙏

Be encouraged 😊


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