Welling Seventh Day Adventist Church
Remember who you are!
Good morning!!
Wishing God’s blessings upon you, your families, and communities.
I pray that God gives you strength, power, and peace this day and always.
I have a question for you to reflect upon. Do you know who you are?
Yes, you say of course I do!!!
However, I would like to suggest to you, when God calls you, all that you are changes.
We are not talking about adopting the Atkins diet or having a makeover.
Paul says …those things I use to do, I do no more. He states further …when I was child I spoke as a child, but now I am man (in Christ) I put away childish things.
The bible makes clear we can only have a sense of being truly complete when we draw strength from the vine which is Christ Jesus.
I would suggest that you look in the mirror today and if you don’t like what you see go to the only one who has the true antidote- Christ. Take all your deficiencies to him today and allow him to make you whole.
What I have learnt during my short time on earth is that we were made for connection not just with others but with God our maker.
Saint Augustine wrote “You have made us for yourself, O Lord, and our heart is restless until it rests in you.”
When you know who you are in Christ, – that you’re Gods child, then you will experience His peace, joy, contentment. Nothing compares to this!!! Not your job, your house, your clothes, – not even your children or your spouse
Try Him today and watch the Jericho walls fall, the Red Sea part and the Goliath’s in your way move.
Whatever the challenge, remember whose you are in Christ