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Welling Seventh Day Adventist Church

Grab hold of the vibrant, abundant life Jesus offers

Grab hold of the vibrant, abundant life Jesus offers

Grab hold of the vibrant, abundant life Jesus offers

“Recover your life. Take a real rest. Live freely and lightly.”

When we read these words from Jesus in Matthew 11: 28-23, it’s easy to think they’re for someone else. Someone with a more laid-back personality. Someone who’s super spiritual. Someone… anyone else… who must have their act together.

But here’s the deal. Jesus’ invitation to find real rest is for YOU. 

It’s for the you who doesn’t have their act together. The you who doesn’t have life figured out. The you who he loves and the you whose load he wants to lighten!

Every word Jesus spoke in Scripture is truth for our lives every single day. He said in the middle of this crazy world, we can find rest in him. Jesus wants to and can give us that rest.

Michael Monteith 

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