Welling Seventh Day Adventist Church
Good morning
Sometimes it takes only a prayer to change the trajectory of our lives! Sometimes it’s a mountain that God uses to get a hold of us.
This morning whether your mountain is physical or mental STOP and reevaluate your situation and ask Him to take care to your mountain! There isn’t a mountain too high that He can’t scale, a desert too dry that He can not sustain you through! You’ll never come to a valley too deep, no ocean too wide that He can’t cross! You may have to face all the obstacles above for Him to get a hold of you.
Today as you go, know that He is just a prayer away! The key to unlock heaven’s door is in your hands! Use it in season and out of season! Use it without ceasing! Remember no body can love you like Jesus! know too that I love you with all that I can.
God is good.
He’s in control of everything!
A great day awaits you!