Monday 2 September 2024 – Salvation


Good day
We should beware of treating lightly God’s gracious provisions for our salvation. There are Christians who say, “I do not care to be saved unless my companion and children are saved with me.”

They feel that heaven would not be heaven to them without the presence of those who are so dear. But have those who cherish this feeling a right conception of their own relation to God, in view of His great goodness and mercy toward them? Have they forgotten that they are bound by the strongest ties of love and honor and loyalty to the service of their Creator and Redeemer? The invitations of mercy are addressed to all; and because our friends reject the Saviour’s pleading love, shall we also turn away? The redemption of the soul is precious. Christ has paid an infinite price for our salvation, and no one who appreciates the value of this great sacrifice or the worth of the soul will despise God’s offered mercy because others choose to do so. The very fact that others are ignoring His just claims should arouse us to greater diligence, that we may honor God ourselves, and lead all whom we can influence, to accept His love.. (Patriarch & Prophsts page 162.1)

God gave His Son’s life for all, therefore let us each make our calling and election sure!
Have a Christ centered day